Saturday, June 7, 2014

How Is Pulmonary Fibrosis Diagnosed?


Pulmonary fibrosis is suggested by a history of progressive shortness of breath with exertion. Sometimes, during examination of the lungs with a stethoscope, the doctor can hear crackling sounds in the chest. The chest X-ray may or may not be abnormal, but a special X-ray test called a high-resolution CAT scan will frequently demonstrate abnormalities. Lung function testing is distinctly abnormal.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by lung biopsy. An open surgical biopsy, meaning that the chest wall must be surgically opened under general anesthesia to remove a portion of lung tissue, may be necessary to obtain enough tissue to make an accurate diagnosis. The removed tissue is examined microscopically by a pathologist to confirm the presence of fibrosis.
Article Referenced From WebMD.

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